International Human Design School

Human Design During Times of Change and/or Chaos

Online Course

June 23, 2025 - July 21, 2025

Monday(s) at 17:00 GMT (1.5 hours)

Early Bird Price Expires May 1, 2025 Save $50.00

$450.00 $500.00

As many have noticed and is seemingly obvious to notice, our world is in the grips of upheaval, change, and chaos. Even if the world were not in such a state, every one of use experience change and chaos on a personal basis from time to time. The question, therefore, is Does Human Design have anything to offer regarding this natural process of Life?

In this 5  week Course we will explore this specific question. Using the structures and mechanics of the Human Design System, we will look for clues to the process, how it works, what the traps are, and how it fits into the greater dynamics of Life.

Please be aware that we will not be exploring the specific aspects of the changes occurring as part of the 2027 transition. We will be exploring how change and chaos is a natural part of the experience of Life and how the Human Design System can offer clarity to that process.

**This course can be taken alone or with the course Conversational Human Design.**

There is a $100 discount when you sign up for both courses at the same time.
Please email for more information.

No Prerequisites.

Early Bird Price Expires May 1, 2025 Save $50.00

$450.00 $500.00