International Human Design School

Your Personal Human Design Report

The User Guide for Your Life

Discover Your Human Design and Transform Your Life™

This detailed 50-page report covers Type, Strategy, Authority, Profile and Cross, Planets, Channels, Gates and Lines. This makes a great gift, introduction for newcomers, or tool for anyone interested in having, at your fingertips, a quick reference to your personal Human Design information.

Although this report provides a great level of personal detail, it is not possible to provide a synthesized holistic, three-dimensional analysis of your Human Design without the skills and expertise of a highly trained and experienced IHDS certified analyst. This report in no way substitutes for a reading, but rather is a companion to a reading and a reference tool. It will enhance your experience by providing a written detailed document that you can refer to for many years to come.

To order your comprehensive personal report fill in the details below. Upon purchase the report will be created and sent to you in an email attachment.

To ensure accurate results you need to make sure you provide a reliable birth time.

  Oh snap!
Please note: Birth location is used to determine the correct time zone and daylight saving policies, so it is not important to have the exact birth city - only one that is in the same region.