International Human Design School

Professional Training Level IV Preparation and Final Test

Online Course

January 16, 2025 - March 27, 2025

Thursday(s) at 17:00 GMT (1.5 hour)


**This course is limited to 16 participants.  Completion of  PTL I, PTL II and PTL III including all assignments (Partnership, Solar Return and Incarnation Cross Analysis Assignments) must be completed.**

PTL-IV is the final level of the professional training to become a certified Human Design Analyst. The goal of PTL-IV is to guide and mentor you as you prepare for submitting your final reading to the testing Board for certification. During the course of the semester, we will work together on honing your reading skills. We will look at the structure and organization of your individual client readings.

Each Analyst is unique and has their own style for interacting with clients. However, there is basic material that must be covered in every reading with a new client. We will discover your preference and dynamics for delivering that information in a reading.

A reading is a synthesis of your years of training in the knowledge of Design and the art of delivering that knowledge. We will explore through examples and practice readings each week all the key elements necessary to introduce a client to their Human Design. This class is a workshop style class. It will be very interactive with each participant. You will have many chances to practice your reading skills. Each student will add to the richness of the class. Not only will you get to practice your style, but you'll get to see and benefit from the other class participants styles.

The schedule is 10 weeks in Class followed by a 4-week time frame of refinement for the final Certification Foundation Reading Exam submittal.

Testing fees for certification by the IHDS Standards Board are in addition to this course.  

Endowments are not available for this course.

Regular Price - $800 Early Bird Price - $750

**This course is limited to 16 participants.   Completion of PTL I, PTL II and PTL III including all assignments (Partnership, Solar Return and Incarnation Cross Analysis Assignments) must be completed.**

Required Materials: Rave I’Ching Book; Rave I'Ching Line Companion (2 books); IHDS Channels By Type Circuitry Books; MMI Professional Edition Software.

Agree to the IHDS Professional Integrity Agreement: Click here


MMI Professional Edition Software

MMI Professional Edition Software


Rave I’Ching Book; Rave I'Ching Line Companion Book

Purchased from one of the National Human Design Organizations
