Rave Cosmology is the esoteric and mystical side of The Human Design System.
For the first 18 years after the birth of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu focused on what was logical and empirical about Human Design. He often said: “Don’t believe me and do not trust me. Try it for yourself; test it for yourself. This is mechanical knowledge that can be tested by each and everyone of us”.
Ra did not want to be worshiped as a Guru or be placed on a pedestal. He did not want to create followers or believers, yet he accepted the role of messenger, as he wanted to empower you to be your own authority by giving you practical tools to live your life according to your true nature.
Nothing has concerned me more than the legitimacy of this knowledge. It is why it is so important for me to explore the depths of design and personality to get to the very core and foundation of the knowledge. This is a true science, and it is a miracle science.
Ra Uru Hu
Once Human Design was established as a practical yet transformational tool, he felt a responsibility to bring forward the mystical side of Human Design by sharing his experience directly with us. He empowered us to carry this information forward to share it with the rest of the world generation by generation.
Teaching the Rave Cosmology of The Human Design System is the opportunity to bring balance to this knowledge and to show how vast and profound the source of this knowledge really is.
It is time to give the Voice its due and allow this mechanical, simple view of the cosmology to be accessible and to be available.
Ra Uru Hu
In Ra’s words, “We are going to share a synthetic mythology that underlies all other mythologies. Human Design is the neck of the hourglass, not the sand that is moving through. It’s simply a filter, a matrix, if you will; and anything that goes through this matrix can be seen in an extraordinary way. It does not matter what discipline you come from in this life. It’s obvious that this cosmology is a primary language that is a root language with core names which hold tremendous power.” Ra Uru Hu
In Lynda Bunnell’s words, “There really are no words to describe just how profound it is to teach this material. For me it is a full circle experience to delve deeply into the process of preparing to teach and then to teach this. There is no end to the journey of self-awareness and peace that is available to us through Human Design; and Rave Cosmology is like the icing on the cake or the beautiful bow on a package. It wraps around this amazing body of knowledge and brings balance and sweet satisfaction.
If you feel called to share Human Design Rave Cosmology with others, please join us for an incredible journey through this vast ocean of knowledge. Once you take this journey you will be forever transformed. Anyone interested in Rave Cosmology may take this course. It is open to the general public as well as those interested in becoming Certified Rave Cosmology Teachers.” Lynda Bunnell, Director, International Human Design School.
This Program will include 8 courses/semesters of study.
The program may be attended by anyone interested in this topic.
The individual courses may be taken in any order based on student interest.
Completion of all 8 Courses and prerequisites will result in a Rave Cosmologist Teacher Certification.
The final Certification Course is open to those that have completed all courses.
Pre-requisites: Cosmology eBooks and Rave Cartography
Recommended Materials: Rave Cosmology Self Study Courses with Ra Uru Hu. (offered at a 20% discount to students enrolled in this program)
The courses include:
The Bhan Tugh is the heart of Rave Cosmology. This is a journey exploring the fascinating mythology and mechanics of the Biverse and our place in it, as transmitted by the 'Voice’ in 1987, and recorded by Ra Uru Hu using a sequence of 27 ‘Bhan Tugh Plates’ representing the imagery and information from the 8-day experience with the Voice.
We will cover a vast territory, including the mechanics of our existence from the moment of conception (The Big Bang) through the evolution of our species; who we are now, why we are here, how we are connected to the original start and source of it all - and where we are heading into the future.
We will have many discussions on how to present and teach this material.
Class content:
Duration: 10 weekly sessions
Location: Online Classrooms
Pre-requisites: Rave Cartography and Bhan Tugh eBook
Recommended Materials: Bhan Tugh Self-study (20% discount to enrolled students)
Dying, Death and the Bardo Stages is the most in-depth analysis yet of the mechanics of dying and death, and an extraordinary journey into the mechanics of the Bardo Stages.
Despite the somber, dark nature of the subject, it is in many ways for me as important as the life itself. We rarely have an opportunity to grasp the larger mechanics. To see behind the veil, to see the gears and to see all the mechanisms is something that opens up a different way of being able to look at the larger process. And, for me, the larger process is a life.
Ra Uru Hu
Class content:
Duration: 10 weekly sessions
Location: Online Classrooms
Pre-requisites: Rave Cartography and Dying, Death & Bardo eBook
Recommended Materials: Dying, Death & Bardo self-study (20% discount to enrolled student)
This course offers a spectacular insight into the workings of the Neutrino Ocean through an in depth look at specific stars. Every single object in the sky is pulsing out data, and there are 66 key stars closest to the start of everything. In this course we will discover their significance and which of these stars govern your design.
We live in an illusion, whether that is graspable or not… We live in this illusion and the thing that makes this illusion work is stars. This is the great wonder of the revelation of Human Design, that is, the revelation that what we are really doing is filtering a consciousness ocean, a consciousness ocean that’s made up of what we call subatomic particles and specifically, neutrinos
Ra Uru Hu
Class content:
Duration: 10 weekly sessions
Location: Online Classrooms
Pre-requisites: Rave Cartography and The Nature of the Stars eBook
Recommended Materials: The Nature of Stars self-study self-study (20% discount to enrolled student)
The Mystical Way is a journey into the framework of Human spirituality, offering deep insights into humanity’s relationship to God, and the genetic imperative that drives all towards awakening.
There is, in a sense, a deep creative process in humanity that is coming to an end. And it is a creative process that has been rooted in humanity’s fertility. …That creative fertility is dying because the strain of our species in this evolutionary progression is coming to an end. This is what 2027 is all about. It’s what the Rave is all about: The emergence of a new variation of the species.
Ra Uru Hu
Class content:
Duration: 10 weekly sessions
Location: Online Classrooms
Pre-requisites: Rave Cartography and The 6 Mystical Ways eBook
Recommended Materials: The 6 Mystical Ways self-study (20% discount to enrolled student) To purchase Rave Cosmology.
This course is a detailed exploration into the entire process of the mutation of our species that is to take place in 2027 and what this means to us, our children and grandchildren, and what it will bring to humanity.
We will look, in a very detailed way, into the nature of the Rave, and at the same time the consequences of the transformation of the evolution that’s going to take place, what it is going to bring to us and what it is going to mean to us. 2027 is bringing an evolutionary transition.
Class content:
Duration: 10 weekly sessions
Location: Online Classrooms
Pre-requisites: Rave Cartography and The Nature and Mechanics of the Rave eBook
Recommended Materials: The The Nature and Mechanics of the Rave self-study (20% discount to enrolled student)
This course covers the patterns in "Being", and the complexity of "purpose" in depth.
This course gives the opportunity to be able to look at profile in a way that nobody has ever looked at it before. It really is about understanding the drama; the drama of a life, the drama of a mind that makes up the story of our purpose and the story of our purpose that is found within the profile.
Ra Uru Hu
Class content:
Duration: 10 weekly sessions
Location: Online Classrooms
Pre-requisites: Rave Cartography and Profile, Purpose and Function eBook
Recommended Materials: Profile, Purpose and Function self-study (20% discount to enrolled student)
Here is where we look at what awaits humanity in the future.
I understand, as we will see in this very course, the future that is (according to the Voice) really there for us in terms of how the Totality (what I called afterwards ‘the Child’), that this Totality, the unity of consciousness of a vast totality - we cannot grasp.
But, I can appreciate the program moving in its way, billions of years by billions of years in this journey to the fulfillment of that grander process.
Ra Uru Hu
Class content:
Duration: 10 weekly sessions
Location: Online Classrooms
Teacher: Andrea Reikl-Wolf
Pre-requisites: Rave Cartography and Brahma’s Long Night and Beyond eBook
Recommended Materials: Brahma’s Long Night and Beyond self-study (20% discount to enrolled student)
The full Teacher Certification Program includes 7 courses of study and one certification course.
The program may be attended by anyone interested in this topic.
The courses may be taken in any order based on student interest. Completion of all 7 Courses including the final Certification course, plus prerequisites, will result in a Rave Cosmologist Teacher Certification.
The final Certification Course is open to those that have completed all courses.
Questions? Please contact office@ihdschool.com